Monday, December 3, 2007

Hogback Expansion

After some 20 odd years of trying to expand lift-assisted skiing out to Hogback, White Pass is finally on it's way to getting lifts out there. This is good for White Pass, and will open up a lot of area for people. It just makes me sad to think of Hogback being bridled and passive rather than wild and at times unattainable. Of course, there is even more territory beyond Hogback that will be opened up as a result of the expansion... but damn. So, my goal this year is to get as many trips out there as possible. I will write reports about that.
My other fear is that White Pass will lose a lot of its current charm. The R.V. lot will start charging, locals will be crowded out by new blood, prices will increase and drive the "usual suspects" out. Already a bottle of beer is $4.25 in the bar. I will not be drinking in the bar. Yet another place where I fit will become foreign and hostile toward me and people like me. Perhaps this won't happen, but we'll see. Until it does, I'll be enjoying the hell out of my little world as it is now, and as I love it.
So, I'll be posting a number of Hogback trip reports on here. This will be somewhat of a project -- posting conditions, pictures, and details of the trip -- moreso than my usual lah-de-dah trip reports. If you ever want an update on the Hogback Expansion, look for my posts with the "hogback" category label.

So, Hogback this weekend (12/1 - 12/3): unattainable. Base is unstable. Avy just waiting to happen anywhere you look. With some sloughs in-bounds, I didn't even consider trying to get out to hogback. Hopefully warmer temperatures in the next day or two will consolidate the base and firm things up. Next weekend I have avy class, so Hogback will likely not be an option as I'll be in Hood.

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